Changing negative thoughts to regulate emotions
Changing negative thoughts to regulate emotions is essential, as automatic negative thoughts are often at the root of emotional and psychological suffering.
A core principle of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is learning to recognize and transform these thoughts, helping to manage anxiety, stress, depression, and other emotional challenges effectively.
We often believe that the circumstances, the actions of other people or even the lack of resources are the reason for our problems. However, if your thinking process is harmful, not even the most favourable conditions will help you.
The problem comes when beliefs do not correspond to reality and prevent you from doing things. Therefore, learning how to question your thoughts is essential so they do not hinder your actions.
Do not try to eliminate the thoughts, as this would be impossible, but learning the best way to deal with them is essential, as they are part of our defence mechanism, which aims to protect us from possible dangers and show our limits.
Analyze the situations thoroughly and stick to the facts
When a bad feeling or sensation overwhelms you, stop, and remember what you were thinking when that feeling, emotion or sensation appeared.
When identifying thoughts that go through your mind, try to analyze them. Where it came from, what may have generated it and what consequences it may have on you.
Control your imagination
If you don’t have any evidence that something has happened, don’t take it for granted, as you may be unfair to others, the world, or yourself.
No one can read other people’s minds or guess the future. So it is not because you think someone thought something about you that it is true, or it is not because you believe that a bad thing can happen in the future, that this fact will come true.
Exercise to identify and modify the mental process
One of the best techniques for coping with these negative feelings is to create an intervention in your mind changing negative thoughts to regulate your emotions. Thinking processes are part of our protection mechanism to assess possible problems. However, “thoughts are not facts”. They are just possibilities created in our minds.
Thoughts Record Exercise
The thoughts record is a form that can be used to analyze the relationship between situation-thought-consequence and, therefore, can be used to assess dysfunctional thoughts and cognitive distortions that affect your emotions. This exercise is designed to question your beliefs so as not to believe the first thing that comes to your mind, helping you to be more logical and rational.
By doing this with some frequency, you will discover specific and irrational thought patterns, which create many problems for you, and you can begin to change them into more constructive thoughts. By practising this, a new way of thinking will become more common.
When you notice that you are in a bad mood or feeling low, ask yourself: “What is going through my head right now”? What actual events, thoughts and memories led me to this unpleasant emotion? What did I think that made me feel or behave like this? Is this considered a fact? Am I exaggerating? Am I making a wrong assumption? Is it really that terrible what is happening? What could be another possible explanation?
Click here and download the harmful thoughts record exercise
Taking steps to understand your emotions is essential for emotional well-being. When you feel ready, click here to schedule a CBT therapy appointment.

Hi! I’m a psychologist and the founder of Intercultural Psychology in Dublin, specializing in psychotherapy and CBT. I work with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds and neurodiverse clients, helping them navigate life’s challenges, adjust to new environments, and grow along the way. I hope this blog encourages you to embrace your journey and inspires positive change in your life :).